Thursday, December 8, 2011

Special Trip Part 2

While we were in Indianapolis, we were able to visit my dad's foster brother Chad and his family. Chad lived with my dad for about nine months when he was a kid.

Chad lives with his parents Chuck and Janell just outside of Indianapolis. We took the short drive in the rain to their BEAUTIFUL house. Yes, I am very jealous! We ate pizza and were able to chat a while. Chad's sister Rhonda was there with her two kids as well. Tyler and Mason are the same age. Mason calls him his new best buddy. Lilly is four and just loved Allegra. She liked having her picture taken with her and holding her.

The kids played a lot in their game room with the dart board and shuffle board while the adults got the chance to catch up. We all had a great time!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Special Trip Part 1

Last year Ben and I decided to go to our first NFL game. Since we are Colts fans, we went to Indianapolis. We decided we wanted to go again this year and we wanted to take the boys. Since the boys had the Monday after Thanksgiving off, we decided to go that Sunday game. I didn't really want to be away from Allegra for the weekend so we asked Mom and Dad if they wanted to come with us. Dad said he would go to the game with us and Mom said she would stay at the hotel and watch Allegra.

We left Saturday and made the long trip to Indianapolis. We made more stops than we wanted too, but we made it. Of course we had to stop in Brownsburg and shop for Colts stuff since there isn't much of that around here. Brownsburg is only 20 minutes from Indianapolis.

We made it to our hotel that was in walking distance to pretty much everywhere! The best part was that is was a skywalk! We walked to the mall that night to work out a lot of kept up energy and get an idea of where we needed to go for the game.

Sunday was the game! We sat in the lower bowl and had a great time! Once again the Colts lost. They aren't having the best season as Peyton Manning isn't playing. Mason did get a little bored after a while but was pretty well behaved while we were there.

We came back Monday early enough for Dad's banjo lesson and Mason's wrestling practice. It's always good to be home but we had a great time! I think Mom and Dad did too. We have talked about making it a yearly trip, depending on when the games are.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We recently had conferences for Jasper and Mason. I can't express to them enough how proud I am for their good reports! Jasper has become a math master after learning his math facts. His goal was to become a master by Christmas. He smashed his goal by Thanksgiving! He loves his teacher and works hard. I couldn't be prouder! Mason has really changed since school has started. He has matured a little more and really likes his teacher and school in general. We still have a small problem with chatting, but that is something I can deal with. He has adjusted to school well and I am proud of him for that!

Allegra is almost seven months old and it has flown by fast! She now has two of her bottom teeth! It took a long time for them to finally pull thru. She is now almost crawling too! Right now she gets everywhere by either rolling around or scooting! She will be crawling by Christmas, I gurantee it! I'm thinking about putting baby gates all around the tree so she can't get into it.

It can be challanging to raise three kids sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It has been a busy weekend full of Halloween activities. Saturday night the kids and I went trick-or-treating in Ben's brother's neighborhood. Our church held a Halloween party Sunday afternoon followed by more trick-or-treating in Miles. We only went a few blocks in Miles since they got a lot of candy the night before. After that, we went to mom and dad's house for dinner and they could see their costumes too.

Today the boys had their Halloween parties at school. They get to parade around the school and outside so they can show off their costumes. We went to the annual Mardi Gras parade tonight. There were some pretty cool floats and once again, the boys got a lot of candy!

Jasper was a scary phantom.

Mason was Thor, the God of Thunder.

Allegra was a sweet little cupcake.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Football season has finally come to an end for us. Jasper was able to play tackle football this year instead of flag football. Normally the tackle teams are for fifth and sixth graders, but they do allow some fourth graders to play. Jasper loved playing! He did quite well for it being his first year. He did get discouraged a few times because some of the kids we bigger than him. He just had to be reminded that he was playing against sixth graders.

Jasper played number 10 for the Chiefs. He would wear a red and yellow sock so we knew which one he was since they all look the same in their helmets.

Ben's favorite sport is football so he helped coach as much as he could.

We were lucky to have some pretty nice weather. The last few games he had were really cold. We only have a few weeks without practices or games until we start wrestling season!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fun City

Since Ben worked a lot this summer and we had a new baby, we didn't really get to take a family vacation. The boys didn't have school last Friday and Ben had the week off so we decided a few months ago we were going to take a mini vacation to Fun City in Burlington, Iowa. They have a waterpark, arcade, bowling and go carts!

We invited Ben's mom to go with us. She had been wanting to go to Fun City with the kids for a while and she helped take care of Allegra so we both could play with the boys. We left Thursday night after Jasper's football game and got there around nine. It only took two hours to get there. Friday morning we got up and were able to spend a lot of the day playing and swimming. Allegra loved the water!

We were able to go bowling twice. Ben won both games and I did terrible so I was last. Mason got second in both games! The boys used the gutters. With my score I should have too. Mason was so proud of himself!

Jasper thought he was hot stuff too.

We did go carts as well. The boys were too little to drive so Mason rode with me in an Iowa State car. We beat Ben and Jasper! He laughed the whole time.

We came back Saturday morning since Nancy had to go to work Saturday night. It was a nice quick trip and we had a lot of fun! We will definitely be going back again!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Life sure seems to be flying by these days. It is very rare that we have one night a week where we are able to stay at home. Jasper is in tackle football this fall and has practice most nights and games on Thursday. On Friday nights, we like to go to area high school games and support high schoolers we know. Jasper loves playing. He gets that from Ben. He is liking school a lot and is participating in the chess club that meets before school one day a week.

Mason is doing great in Kindergaren. He comes home and tells us who was naughty and who did or said what. He has little things he has to practice every night and he already doesn't like homework. I'm hoping we get over that pretty soon. He is anxious for wrestling to start as there is not a football league for him.

Allegra is rolling both ways and sits up pretty well. She's up to 15 pounds 11 ounces. At our last doctor appointment, we were told we could start cereal. I didn't start it sooner because she never really seemed to need it. She sleeps well through the night so I didn't have to fill her tummy with cereal before bed. She doesn't eat a whole lot of it but she seems to like it. She's starting to talk more and more, especially when the boys aren't around. She actually gets the chance to talk then.

Yesterday we were able to celebrate Jay's baptism. It's always great to have Kathy's family over. Allegra and Jay are only one pound different! It's going to be so much fun to watch them grow together.

I don't think life will slow down anytime in the near future. I wish it would because I love watching my kids grow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Sunday we were joined by many family and friends to celebrate Allegra's baptism. Ben's brother Rod and his wife Tracie along with my brother Marcus are her Godparents. It was a great service. Jasper, Mason, and our nephews Levi and Owen were able to stand in front and watch as well. I think they were more interested in making silly faces in the basptismal bowl than watching.

After the service, we provided cake for fellowship so our church family could celebrate with us even more.

My sister Kathy and nephew Jay were able to make the trip from Ames. They were here for a few days so we got to spend a lot of time with them. Jay gets baptized at our church in September.

It was a beautiful day for such a beautiful little girl!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School

We have survived our first day of school! Jasper was excited to go back to school and see his friends again and Mason was excited to begin Kindergarten. I took a vacation day today and we dropped them off this morning at school for the early morning program. There were a few tears and the boys weren't the ones to shed them.

Mason said his day was "good" and Jasper's was "awesome!" They are anxious to go back tomorrow. Sounds like we are going to have a great year!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Three Months

Allegra is now three months old! It seems like we were just coming home from the hospital. Allegra celebrated her day with Grandma Deana and Grandpa Jim while I was working and the boys were at another baseball tournament. Aunt Sara came for a visit too! After I got off of work, I went to pick her up and mom and dad's pool was warm enough for us to take her swimming for the first time!

She didn't cry at all! She took turns swimming with Sara, Grandma, and me. She loved it! She was so content just sitting in the water.

This wasn't her only first of the weekend. I got home from work today and Jasper told me Allegra can now roll from her tummy to her back! I can't believe how much she has changed in just three short months. I am excited to see her grow, but I wish it wouldn't happen so fast!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back to Work

I am into my second week of being back at work. My 12 week baby vacation, as I call it, flew by way too fast! I enjoyed my time off so much that I didn't really want to go back. I must say that summer is the perfect time to be on a 12 week leave! Allegra is such a good baby and it was fun to be home with her and the boys. Last week was an emotional week just trying to get into the routine of things again and I know it will get better with time.

Who could leave this adorable face?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Safety Town

The summer before Kindergarten, kids have the opportunity to attend Safety Town. It is a free two week program where children learn about the obvious, safety. Each day had a different theme. Some were about playground safety, stranger danger, water and bus safety, the ambulance and fire trucks, calling 9-1-1, and a day with the K-9s. Mason called them cop dogs. When the fire trucks came, each child got to spray the fire hose and they all got wet.

They have a little town set up where they ride bikes around and learn about street crossing.

There were 70 kids in the morning session Mason was in. I would guess there were just as many in the afternoon. Officer Davis was kind of like the teacher. At least he was the one giving the directions for the day. The kids were divided into groups and each group had about three or four leaders who were all teenagers.

At the end of two weeks, they had a small graduation where they received a certificate. Mason was disappointed they didn't get a cap and gown. He had a great time! Jasper has expressed an interest in being a volunteer for the program when he is in middle school! Safety town is such a great program and I hope they are able to keep the program going in the future.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Jasper is a big Hawkeye fan. For Jasper's birthday, we got him a new baseball helmet.

He was excited to wear it to his game that night. Here it is in action.

Who knows, he may end up becoming a Hawkeye someday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Birthday!

It's hard to believe that today is Jasper's 9th birthday! He woke up to fugens for breakfast and a few gifts before Mason headed off to Safety Town.

We didn't do a lot as it rained a few times throughout the day. During a dry spell we went to the bandshell on the river front to play a little baseball. It didn't last too long as it started raining.

Jasper decided he wanted to go to a Lumberkings game as we haven't been to too many of them yet. We have been too busy with his baseball games. A home run was hit by the Lumberkings and the birthday boy found it! We were there for about forty five minutes when it started raining once again. We came home to have a small birthday cake and watch a movie.

Happy Birthday Jasper!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Activities

We had quite the busy schedule last week beginning our summer activites.We had wrestling camp along with VBS and of course they were both held in the morning. We came to a compromise that they would go to wrestling camp for two days and VBS the rest. Jasper also went to the Clinton Lumberkings baseball clinic held for younger kids on Saturday. With that, they got a ticket to go to that nights game. Church was held Saturday night and the VBS kids sang a lot of their songs. Mason doesn't usually do the actions or sing the songs, but he sure did like the beach songs Grandma Deana taught and he came out of his shell and danced!

Not only is Jasper in baseball, Mason has now started his t-ball practices. Finally, he gets a chance to play baseball! He has been practicing when Jasper has a game so Ben and I have to divide up. Ben has been coaching Jasper so Allegra and I get to watch Mason practice.

Allegra has done very well being taken all over to games, camps, and practices. She was the youngest to be at VBS! She has developed a little bit of colic. She usually starts getting fussy around 5:30 at night and it will last to around 10:30 pm. I think it's a pretty mild case, knock on wood! We do have some good days without much of a fuss. I am hoping that having colic won't last too long, especially when I go back to work.

It has been great to have Ben on vacation for these two weeks. It certainly makes a difference having two extra hands around! I'm sad to see it end on Friday. I will also have to think about going back to work soon too. For the time being, I will enjoy what time I have left hanging out at home with the kids. There are more camps and baseball games to attend!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Begins

Yesterday was the first day of summer vacation. To start off the summer, the boys went with me to take Allegra to her one month check up. I can't believe she is a month old already! She is getting so big, 10 lbs 10 oz. to be exact!

Today I took the boys to the library. They both got their own library cards! There is a summer reading program that begins next week and Jasper is really excited to be part of that. I'm glad to see that he is enjoying reading as we had such a struggle to get him to read at the beginning of the school year. We hope to go back at least once a week!

We also made a new snack together. Something quick and easy and VERY good! Too good really that I hope it lasts a while. It's called peanut butter and chocolate blast. I figured it was something we could put into a baggie for a snack while we are out and about.

Ben officially begins his two week vacation from work tomorrow. We don't have any plans to go anywhere on an extended vacation. We are just going to enjoy our time together as we haven't had much of that with all of the overtime Ben has been working. I don't plan to go back to work until after the Fourth of July. I plan on getting a good tan before then.

We have only had two days of vacation so far and the weather has been perfect! Yesterday was sunny and cool and today was cloudy and cool. Sounds like things will start to heat up tomorrow!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yesterday was Mason's preschool graduation. He has been waiting for this day for quite some time! They had a small ceremony where they sang a few songs and received their diplomas. Afterward they had some cupcakes and punch. Grandma Luckritz and Grandpa Jim were able to come celebrate with Allegra and me. Ben was unable to attend as he was working. I was very lucky to get any pictures as my camera battery had died and so had my back up battery. I did manage to get a few but I had to take them as quick as I could. Here is a picture of the proud graduate!

Now he can't wait to start kindergarten!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Same Day Surgery

Not only did I go the the ER last Wednesday for a kidney stone, I revisited them in the early morning hours Thursday for more excruciating pain! The ER doctor had said that I had passed my "smaller" stone but I did have a BIGGER stone. He was going to consult with the urologist a little later in the morning and call me at home. Both doctors had called me at home. The urologist had said that she was pretty sure I wasn't going to pass the stone since it didn't move much in two days. Pretty much the only way to get rid of it was to have a laser procedure to blast the stone. I was glad to hear that I could get rid of it instead of just waiting. Only I had to wait for Monday to have the procedure as the laser that is used is from a different company. It was early afternoon Friday by the time we even decided this was the route we had to go. I had to put up with this wonderful pain all weekend! I did have pain medication from the ER visit I could take, a heating pad, and drank LOTS and LOTS of water that would help me with the pain. I was pain free Saturday and most of Sunday as I had drank so much water. I had the procedure today and everything went well! The stone has been blasted and it should all be gone within a week, hopefully less! I have a follow up appointment in a few weeks and hopefully I will be done going to the doctor and enjoy the rest of my leave!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ER Visit

Apparently I'm not finished having complications from having a baby. I had a check up Monday for my blood pressure and liver enzymes and they came back normal! However, around 1:30 this morning, I woke up to severe back pain. Ben took me to the emergency room and I found out I have a kidney stone. The doctor said since I am nursing, I am becoming dehydrated and that caused the stone. I feel like I am in labor all over again! I've never had a kidney stone and never want one again! He said I should be able to pass it on my own. I have a pain medicine I can take if needed and I need to drink lots of water to help it pass faster. I have to throw away my milk if I take tha pain medicine. I don't like wasting it like that. I'm really hoping that it passes soon! This is not how I expected to spend my maternity leave!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a girl!

Allegra Lee Luckritz was born April 30, 2011 at 5:02 pm. She was 8 lbs. 0.8 oz. and 19 inches long.

I know this announcement is a little late, but we have been trying to adjust to our newest lifestyle so that doesn't leave too much time for the computer anymore.

Ben has been working a two week shutdown at work and has been working nights. When we found out about the shutdown, my biggest fear was going into labor while he was at work. Well, sure enough, Allegra decided to start making her grand enterance in the early hours of the morning. I called Ben at work about 3 am and told him he needed to come home because my water broke. Marc had been staying at our house off and on while Ben was working just in case we needed to head to the hospital in the middle of the night to be there for the boys. He just happened to be staying that night! Ben came home, and off to the hospital we went.

Mom came to our house later that morning to take care of the boys. Jasper had a baseball scrimmage they went to and they played outside. Once Allegra was born, Ben went home to take a shower, eat and get the boys. He waited until they got to the hospital to tell them if it was a girl or a boy. The nurse brought Allegra into the room after the boys had come and Jasper read the crib card that said she was a girl. They were really excited! They couldn't wait to hold her.

Allegra is the only girl on the Luckritz AND Jacobs side. I have a feeling she is going to be one spoiled little girl! Her big brothers and daddy are going to be so protective of her too. Even the doctor said she wasn't going to have any dates when she's older.

It was a long day, but well worth it! Allegra is just perfect!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby update

Recently I have been having problems with my blood pressure and swelling. I was put on bed rest a week and a half ago to prevent labor as I was not at term yet. They have been doing lab work and monitoring the baby twice a week now to make sure everything is still fine. My swelling has pretty much gone away and my blood pressure has been lowering. I now have a problem with elevated liver enzymes. They don't have an answer as to what can cause that, it's just something that can happen in late pregnancy. My levels go up and down within just a few days. Now that I will be 37 weeks tomorrow, they can induce me if my levels continue to go up.

Those aren't the only issues I've had with this small blessing that has yet to make it into this world. I mentioned to the doctor on Monday that any ultrasound that I have had, the baby has been breech. That caught his attention and said that we could do a c-section. I do not want a c-section if at all possible so he suggested we do a basic xray for the quickest way to find out the position of the baby. Sure enough, baby was totally breech. So today, Ben and I made a trip to the hospital so they could do an external version where they "flip" the baby into proper position. I have heard this maneuver hurts like crazy, but I was determined to do it. An ultrasound tech came in to find the position of the baby. She couldn't believe the strange position of the baby and didn't know how the doctor was going to move it. This made me a little nervous. Doctor pushed and turned my belly a little, probably wasn't even five minutes, then he said he thought it had moved. Low and behold, it had turned! It was nothing like I expected. My nurse said that was the easiest version she has ever seen. Woo hoo! I had to be monitored for two hours afterward to make sure baby's heartbeat was fine and to make sure the move didn't cause labor to begin.

I go for another appointment on Thursday for more labs, etc. and we will see what he says. If things are elevated again, then we may have a baby very soon!

Friday, April 22, 2011

First Communion

We have been blessed to have celebrated Jasper's first communion. At our church, the pastor allows children to take communion as long as the parents agree to it without having taken the class. Jasper was very interested to start participating in communion. I had asked him if he knew what communion was about when he first asked and he had the basic idea. I told him he still had to take a class to learn a little more about it. The pastor held a class and he was the only one to participate. It was kind of nice that way. They also made unleavened bread to share on Maunday Thursday. He had fun taking the class and making the bread.

He was so excited that he could invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to share in his night. Our family that was there with us got to join Jasper in the front of the church when he received his first communion and when he had the opportunity to give communion to Ben and me. He also got to share with his "supporters." Jordan is one of his sponsors and was able to take a night off of work to join us.

After the service, we had a small family reception with juice and cake.

We are very proud that Jasper was so eager to learn about such a special event and what Jesus did for us.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I continually have to remind the boys about using their patience for different things. It would be a good idea to practice what I preach! This has been a very frustrating nine months and I'm starting to lose my patience! I can't wait for it to come to an end with a cute little baby. My patience has been tested with serveral sinus issues, headaches, itchy skin, trouble with my hips out of place and a touch of the flu last week. Now to top it all off, I have extreme swelling in my feet and my blood pressure has been starting to go up. My NP wants to start seeing me weekly just to keep an eye on my blood pressure. I'm hoping to not have to stop working too early because of blood pressure problems. I would rather be off longer after the baby is born. I just have to be patient for about a month longer!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Report

I received a good report at the doctor today. I saw one of the two possible doctors that will deliver the baby. (I normally see a nurse practitioner.) My blood pressure was good and the heartbeat was strong. He did say my belly measurements are pretty normal so he doesn't think the baby is as big as what the ultrasound said last week. WHEW! He said to keep the middle of May as my expected delivery date. They won't do anything until 39 weeks anyway unless there is something wrong. My swelling seems to be normal and I'm to elevate them as much as I can. He didn't seem to be too concerned about the swelling or my blood pressure issues from last week. I'll go back in two weeks!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We are officially done with our wrestling season. We ended the season last weekend in Des Moines with Jasper participating in Corn Cob Nationals. They were held at the Jacobsen Center at the Iowa Sate Fair Grounds. There over 700 wrestlers there from young to 19 years or older. Ben could have wrestled too! Jasper only had a three man bracket in the 75 pound weight group. He placed third and was excited to be getting a medal. First place got a golden corn cob that weighed three pounds and everyone else up to sixth place got medals.

Not many teammates were able to go to the tournament as it can be costly for some. The state tournament was this weekend in Des Moines for those who qualified. Five older boys are were there this weekend. A teammate Jasper's age went to nationals along with three high school wrestlers. Two of them were the one's that qualified and placed seventh at the High School State Tournament. Jasper was pretty excited to have their support down on the mat.

We didn't let Mason wrestle as we didn't really know what to expect since we had never been there before. He really likes wrestling and is excited for next year already.

We also made singlets for both of them for the occassion.

While we were in the area, we wanted to stop and see Grandma and Grandpa Peterson and show them our medal! We had a late breakfast, played a few games, and let them watch some wrestling videos and look at pictures from the season. We didn't want to leave too late in the day as we wanted to get home and get things ready for the week. It was good to see them again!

It was a busy, but fun weekend! I'm sure we will do that again next year!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ultrasound 2

I had another ultrasound today as my practicitioner wanted a follow up for babies growth. She never really said why she wanted to check on the growth, but my guess is that from the first ultrasound, baby was a little bigger than normal. Well, after today, I will say I am SCARED! My first ultrasound, baby weighed almost two pounds. Today, we are at five pounds thirteen ounces and I still have a month and a half to go! By this weight, the ultrasound said I am due April 22nd. That's almost an entire month before my original date. The tech did say that those dates are never very accurate. May 15th will be just fine. The heartbeat was a strong 131. I also hope the actions of the baby aren't very accurate either. It continuously moved and was not very cooperative. It was facing my back the whole time so we didn't get a very good look at it, again. I have a stong feeling that I will have another untrasound again. I meet with one of the doctors that could deliver the baby next Tuesday. I'm anxious to see what he has to say about the ultrasound.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I had my check up Tuesday with my doctor. Everything is okay along with baby moving well. I also passed my glucose test from a few weeks ago! Three babies and no gestational diabetes! Woo hoo! I have an ultrasound again next week. She just wants to check on how big baby is. This time Ben and I are going to go ourselves so we can enjoy looking at the baby on the screen without distractions from big brothers.

Last week I did have a lot of hip pain and difficulty walking. I am carrying low so I'm not so surprised that I am sore, but it was so bad I could barely walk. I decided to go to the chiropractor on Friday and she gave me quite an adjustment. My hips were very out of place. One side was forward while the other was backward. After that, I was still a little sore, but I think it was because my muscles needed to adjust. Who knows how long my hips were out of place. I went again Tuesday and got another good adjustment. I have very little pain and don't have a problem walking! Other than a little pain, things have been going well. Just anxiously awaiting the arrival!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Home Stretch

We are officially on the home stretch! May will be here before you know it and there will be a new Luckritz around. I had an appointment today, everything is well. Baby has a strong heartbeat and is VERY active! I now begin having appointments every two weeks. The boys can now feel the baby move and talk to it often. Mason is still pretty adamant that it is a boy. Hope he isn't disappointed if it's a girl! Soon we are going to be painting the toy room that will now be the baby room. Time is definitely flying by!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Been a While...

Yes, it has been quite a while since I've posted last. We seem to have been busy. We have had our wrestling tournament in Clinton for the boys. Ben and I were in charge of the concession stand this year. We had quite the challenge getting things organized as we didn't have much information to go off of from past years. Needless to say, I am very glad it is over. Jasper continues to practice twice a week and the younger kids are done. Ben and Mason practice at home. They will both be going to a few more tournaments this year.

Ben will start to work quite a bit of overtime within the next few months. They have a two week shut down at the end of April into May.

I have been feeling pretty good, aside from this major cold I have gotten in the last few days. I called in sick to work today. I wish I could take some strong medicine to help me! I had my ultrasound in the middle of January. We took the boys as they couldn't stop talking about wanting to go watch the baby on TV. They only liked it for the first five minutes, then they were ready to go. The tech measured the baby at 24 weeks when I was only at 22 and said it weighed about 1 lb. and 10oz. already. By the ultrasound, my due date it May 7th. That will be around the time Ben will be working everyday for his shut down. Let's hope my first due date of the 15th is more accurate! We did not find out if we are having a boy or girl. Jasper was a little disappointed. He is anxious to find out. Jasper and Mason have both voted for a little brother, but lately, Jasper wants a little sister. He says that was she can help with all of the cooking and cleaning. I don't know where he got that from, but I've got news for him! I don't think we would have been able to tell what we were having anyway as the baby was quite active! My first thought....not another Mason!!! I'm going to have to find some kind of energy to keep up with those two!

I had my latest appointment this past Monday before the big blizzard hoping to get something to help me feel better before we got snowed in. She did say I could take some plain sudafed and tylenol. Hasn't seemed to be helping much. My doctor said everything else seems to be going well. She will probably have me get another ulstrasound around 30 weeks to measure the baby again.

That's the lastest. I hope to start posting more! There are just never enough hours in the day!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Half Way There!

We had another doctor appointment today. We are at the halfway mark! The boys went with us today to listen to the heartbeat. They thought it was pretty cool to be able to hear it. They could hear other funny sounds my stomach makes and listen to the baby move too. The heartbeat was around 156. I wrote down all of the heartbeats while I was pregnant with Jasper and Mason so we are going to look at those sometime and compare. I have an ultrasound on January 14th. We are thinking about taking the boys because they want to see how the baby looks on "TV". I can feel the baby move around a lot. Every once in a while someone else can feel it when the baby gives a big kick. Everything else looks good so we will see the doctor again in four weeks!