Saturday, October 29, 2011


Football season has finally come to an end for us. Jasper was able to play tackle football this year instead of flag football. Normally the tackle teams are for fifth and sixth graders, but they do allow some fourth graders to play. Jasper loved playing! He did quite well for it being his first year. He did get discouraged a few times because some of the kids we bigger than him. He just had to be reminded that he was playing against sixth graders.

Jasper played number 10 for the Chiefs. He would wear a red and yellow sock so we knew which one he was since they all look the same in their helmets.

Ben's favorite sport is football so he helped coach as much as he could.

We were lucky to have some pretty nice weather. The last few games he had were really cold. We only have a few weeks without practices or games until we start wrestling season!

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