Monday, March 21, 2011

Ultrasound 2

I had another ultrasound today as my practicitioner wanted a follow up for babies growth. She never really said why she wanted to check on the growth, but my guess is that from the first ultrasound, baby was a little bigger than normal. Well, after today, I will say I am SCARED! My first ultrasound, baby weighed almost two pounds. Today, we are at five pounds thirteen ounces and I still have a month and a half to go! By this weight, the ultrasound said I am due April 22nd. That's almost an entire month before my original date. The tech did say that those dates are never very accurate. May 15th will be just fine. The heartbeat was a strong 131. I also hope the actions of the baby aren't very accurate either. It continuously moved and was not very cooperative. It was facing my back the whole time so we didn't get a very good look at it, again. I have a stong feeling that I will have another untrasound again. I meet with one of the doctors that could deliver the baby next Tuesday. I'm anxious to see what he has to say about the ultrasound.


  1. Ultra sounds can be off on the weight up to a pound and a half, either way. So maybe the baby is a pound lighter! Of course the morning of my delivery the US said Kjetil would be 8lbs 15oz and he came out and weighed 8lbs 15oz. Depends on your tech! Good luck! Thinking of you.

  2. Thanks Cyndy! I know ultrasounds may not be accurate. It's just a scary thought though. We have quite a bit to do yet to get ready so I'm hoping it will still be May!
