Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Been a While...

Yes, it has been quite a while since I've posted last. We seem to have been busy. We have had our wrestling tournament in Clinton for the boys. Ben and I were in charge of the concession stand this year. We had quite the challenge getting things organized as we didn't have much information to go off of from past years. Needless to say, I am very glad it is over. Jasper continues to practice twice a week and the younger kids are done. Ben and Mason practice at home. They will both be going to a few more tournaments this year.

Ben will start to work quite a bit of overtime within the next few months. They have a two week shut down at the end of April into May.

I have been feeling pretty good, aside from this major cold I have gotten in the last few days. I called in sick to work today. I wish I could take some strong medicine to help me! I had my ultrasound in the middle of January. We took the boys as they couldn't stop talking about wanting to go watch the baby on TV. They only liked it for the first five minutes, then they were ready to go. The tech measured the baby at 24 weeks when I was only at 22 and said it weighed about 1 lb. and 10oz. already. By the ultrasound, my due date it May 7th. That will be around the time Ben will be working everyday for his shut down. Let's hope my first due date of the 15th is more accurate! We did not find out if we are having a boy or girl. Jasper was a little disappointed. He is anxious to find out. Jasper and Mason have both voted for a little brother, but lately, Jasper wants a little sister. He says that was she can help with all of the cooking and cleaning. I don't know where he got that from, but I've got news for him! I don't think we would have been able to tell what we were having anyway as the baby was quite active! My first thought....not another Mason!!! I'm going to have to find some kind of energy to keep up with those two!

I had my latest appointment this past Monday before the big blizzard hoping to get something to help me feel better before we got snowed in. She did say I could take some plain sudafed and tylenol. Hasn't seemed to be helping much. My doctor said everything else seems to be going well. She will probably have me get another ulstrasound around 30 weeks to measure the baby again.

That's the lastest. I hope to start posting more! There are just never enough hours in the day!

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