Friday, April 22, 2011

First Communion

We have been blessed to have celebrated Jasper's first communion. At our church, the pastor allows children to take communion as long as the parents agree to it without having taken the class. Jasper was very interested to start participating in communion. I had asked him if he knew what communion was about when he first asked and he had the basic idea. I told him he still had to take a class to learn a little more about it. The pastor held a class and he was the only one to participate. It was kind of nice that way. They also made unleavened bread to share on Maunday Thursday. He had fun taking the class and making the bread.

He was so excited that he could invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to share in his night. Our family that was there with us got to join Jasper in the front of the church when he received his first communion and when he had the opportunity to give communion to Ben and me. He also got to share with his "supporters." Jordan is one of his sponsors and was able to take a night off of work to join us.

After the service, we had a small family reception with juice and cake.

We are very proud that Jasper was so eager to learn about such a special event and what Jesus did for us.

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