Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby update

Recently I have been having problems with my blood pressure and swelling. I was put on bed rest a week and a half ago to prevent labor as I was not at term yet. They have been doing lab work and monitoring the baby twice a week now to make sure everything is still fine. My swelling has pretty much gone away and my blood pressure has been lowering. I now have a problem with elevated liver enzymes. They don't have an answer as to what can cause that, it's just something that can happen in late pregnancy. My levels go up and down within just a few days. Now that I will be 37 weeks tomorrow, they can induce me if my levels continue to go up.

Those aren't the only issues I've had with this small blessing that has yet to make it into this world. I mentioned to the doctor on Monday that any ultrasound that I have had, the baby has been breech. That caught his attention and said that we could do a c-section. I do not want a c-section if at all possible so he suggested we do a basic xray for the quickest way to find out the position of the baby. Sure enough, baby was totally breech. So today, Ben and I made a trip to the hospital so they could do an external version where they "flip" the baby into proper position. I have heard this maneuver hurts like crazy, but I was determined to do it. An ultrasound tech came in to find the position of the baby. She couldn't believe the strange position of the baby and didn't know how the doctor was going to move it. This made me a little nervous. Doctor pushed and turned my belly a little, probably wasn't even five minutes, then he said he thought it had moved. Low and behold, it had turned! It was nothing like I expected. My nurse said that was the easiest version she has ever seen. Woo hoo! I had to be monitored for two hours afterward to make sure baby's heartbeat was fine and to make sure the move didn't cause labor to begin.

I go for another appointment on Thursday for more labs, etc. and we will see what he says. If things are elevated again, then we may have a baby very soon!

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