Thursday, November 24, 2011


We recently had conferences for Jasper and Mason. I can't express to them enough how proud I am for their good reports! Jasper has become a math master after learning his math facts. His goal was to become a master by Christmas. He smashed his goal by Thanksgiving! He loves his teacher and works hard. I couldn't be prouder! Mason has really changed since school has started. He has matured a little more and really likes his teacher and school in general. We still have a small problem with chatting, but that is something I can deal with. He has adjusted to school well and I am proud of him for that!

Allegra is almost seven months old and it has flown by fast! She now has two of her bottom teeth! It took a long time for them to finally pull thru. She is now almost crawling too! Right now she gets everywhere by either rolling around or scooting! She will be crawling by Christmas, I gurantee it! I'm thinking about putting baby gates all around the tree so she can't get into it.

It can be challanging to raise three kids sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

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