Tuesday, May 1, 2012


We had a very special birthday yesterday. Allegra has turned one year old! It seems like just yesterday she was born! We celebrated with a small family party Friday night. After dinner, Allegra opened some gifts and then she got down and dirty eating some birthday cake. While she was opening her gifts, she was starting to fall alseep sitting in my lap. She didn't take an afternoon nap at daycare. We kept her moving though so she could have her cake.
While we sang "Happy Birthday" to Allegra, she sat there and smiled enjoying all of the attention. When we were done singing she clapped right along with everyone with her big smile. Next, it was time to dig in! She ate her own little cake.
At first she she just picked at the frosting and ate a little bit at a time. She didn't get as messy as I thought she would. She makes a bigger mess eating her supper sometimes. Allegra didn't even smear any of it in her hair! The boys kept making sounds so I think it was a little distracting to her, then she wasn't too interested in eating anymore. It was fun watching her anyway!
I love this picture. I wonder what she is thinking. It could be that she is savoring the frosting on her fingers or that she is giving the evil look to Ben. The look of "don't touch my cake."
Today is Ben's birthday. He is working tonight so we didn't get much of a chance to celebrate. Maybe this weekend we will go our for dinner as a little celebration. It seems like we don't celebrate birthdays much the older you get. My birthday is also coming up and I will forever be 21!

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