Saturday, June 23, 2012


Most of those who read this know that my mom's side of the family is Norwegian. My grandma and two of my aunts have been to the actual country Norway. However, our family went to the town of Norway, Iowa to visit the baseball museum. Norway is a small town similar to Miles, Iowa known as the "Baseball Capital of Iowa." Recently, a movie called "The Final Season" was made there about a true story of a high school baseball team and the chance to win their 20th state championship before their school merged with another area school. Throughout the town, they had banners about the schools winning seasons and the scores. We weren't able to get on the actual field but Ben and the boys did manage to play some catch next to it for a while. "The Final Season" is a very good movie. I highly recommend watching it. We have baseball fever at our house so we watch the movie pretty regularly. They boys were really excited to see the museum and the field they filmed on. They pointed out a lot of things they remembered from the movie. There is really a lot of baseball history in that town and the museum was really nice. Quite a few players even made it to the pros. Jasper said the whole thing was "awesome." I'm sure there will be a return trip to Norway in the future.

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