Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back at It

Spring break is now over and it is time to get back into the swing of things. Ben and I worked so the boys were able to enjoy some time with Grandma Rosie and Grandma Luckritz. They played and worked outside A LOT! I think Mason would have slept outside if I let him. He wanted to be outside all day, everyday. I am so glad we had the perfect weather so they were able to use up some of their energy. Now that they are signed up for baseball, they like to go out and play catch. We also have a new swing away tool to help them practice their batting skills.

Allegra still had to go to daycare last week. That gave her a break from her brothers! While there, she has learned to walk more and more. Today she walked quite a bit all by herself! Pretty soon she will be running just to keep up with her brothers. She has finally started getting her top teeth at the same time. Four to be exact! She is such a big girl! It's hard to believe she will have her first birthday soon!

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