Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Report

I received a good report at the doctor today. I saw one of the two possible doctors that will deliver the baby. (I normally see a nurse practitioner.) My blood pressure was good and the heartbeat was strong. He did say my belly measurements are pretty normal so he doesn't think the baby is as big as what the ultrasound said last week. WHEW! He said to keep the middle of May as my expected delivery date. They won't do anything until 39 weeks anyway unless there is something wrong. My swelling seems to be normal and I'm to elevate them as much as I can. He didn't seem to be too concerned about the swelling or my blood pressure issues from last week. I'll go back in two weeks!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We are officially done with our wrestling season. We ended the season last weekend in Des Moines with Jasper participating in Corn Cob Nationals. They were held at the Jacobsen Center at the Iowa Sate Fair Grounds. There over 700 wrestlers there from young to 19 years or older. Ben could have wrestled too! Jasper only had a three man bracket in the 75 pound weight group. He placed third and was excited to be getting a medal. First place got a golden corn cob that weighed three pounds and everyone else up to sixth place got medals.

Not many teammates were able to go to the tournament as it can be costly for some. The state tournament was this weekend in Des Moines for those who qualified. Five older boys are were there this weekend. A teammate Jasper's age went to nationals along with three high school wrestlers. Two of them were the one's that qualified and placed seventh at the High School State Tournament. Jasper was pretty excited to have their support down on the mat.

We didn't let Mason wrestle as we didn't really know what to expect since we had never been there before. He really likes wrestling and is excited for next year already.

We also made singlets for both of them for the occassion.

While we were in the area, we wanted to stop and see Grandma and Grandpa Peterson and show them our medal! We had a late breakfast, played a few games, and let them watch some wrestling videos and look at pictures from the season. We didn't want to leave too late in the day as we wanted to get home and get things ready for the week. It was good to see them again!

It was a busy, but fun weekend! I'm sure we will do that again next year!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ultrasound 2

I had another ultrasound today as my practicitioner wanted a follow up for babies growth. She never really said why she wanted to check on the growth, but my guess is that from the first ultrasound, baby was a little bigger than normal. Well, after today, I will say I am SCARED! My first ultrasound, baby weighed almost two pounds. Today, we are at five pounds thirteen ounces and I still have a month and a half to go! By this weight, the ultrasound said I am due April 22nd. That's almost an entire month before my original date. The tech did say that those dates are never very accurate. May 15th will be just fine. The heartbeat was a strong 131. I also hope the actions of the baby aren't very accurate either. It continuously moved and was not very cooperative. It was facing my back the whole time so we didn't get a very good look at it, again. I have a stong feeling that I will have another untrasound again. I meet with one of the doctors that could deliver the baby next Tuesday. I'm anxious to see what he has to say about the ultrasound.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I had my check up Tuesday with my doctor. Everything is okay along with baby moving well. I also passed my glucose test from a few weeks ago! Three babies and no gestational diabetes! Woo hoo! I have an ultrasound again next week. She just wants to check on how big baby is. This time Ben and I are going to go ourselves so we can enjoy looking at the baby on the screen without distractions from big brothers.

Last week I did have a lot of hip pain and difficulty walking. I am carrying low so I'm not so surprised that I am sore, but it was so bad I could barely walk. I decided to go to the chiropractor on Friday and she gave me quite an adjustment. My hips were very out of place. One side was forward while the other was backward. After that, I was still a little sore, but I think it was because my muscles needed to adjust. Who knows how long my hips were out of place. I went again Tuesday and got another good adjustment. I have very little pain and don't have a problem walking! Other than a little pain, things have been going well. Just anxiously awaiting the arrival!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Home Stretch

We are officially on the home stretch! May will be here before you know it and there will be a new Luckritz around. I had an appointment today, everything is well. Baby has a strong heartbeat and is VERY active! I now begin having appointments every two weeks. The boys can now feel the baby move and talk to it often. Mason is still pretty adamant that it is a boy. Hope he isn't disappointed if it's a girl! Soon we are going to be painting the toy room that will now be the baby room. Time is definitely flying by!