Thursday, February 16, 2012


Anyone there? You've probably quit checking to see if I've had any new posts. So I haven't been the best at posting lately, I'm sorry! My friends at work are even telling me I need to update my blog. I have found my self going in all different directions. We've been busy lately with activities and work. I am off work today because I have lost my voice and thought maybe I should give a little update.

Mason started out the wrestling season after Thanksgiving but gave it up a few weeks into it. Jasper decided he wasn't going to wrestle this year. After a few weeks he changed his mind and we started to going practice again. He has only done a few tournaments and has really improved! He seems to really enjoy it more this year than in years past. Ben wrestles around with him and says he is pretty strong! The season is winding down and they are both getting excited to start baseball!

Around Christmas, we were greeted with the stomach flu. Allegra and Mason had it come and go for about three weeks. Ben and I spent our time off at Christmas with it. Japser never did get it. Lucky him!

Allegra is getting to be such a big girl! She is on the verge of walking by herself. She is always into everything now that she can crawl and walk along things. She loves playing with the boys. They make her laugh a lot by making different noises and funny faces. I love to listen to her giggle! She has recenlty started going to a new daycare building. It is still part of the YWCA, it is just a north campus. It actually is just a block from our house, the old Horace Mann school for those of you who know Clinton. I absolutely love it there! I'm excited for the really nice weather when we can walk over there to get her in the afternoon. They did a big remodel to have the daycare there. Some of the teachers from the south campus are there so they are not comletely new to her. We do seem to have difficulty with Allegra going to other people lately. She is in the stranger faze. She doesn't like it when Ben or I have to go somewhere. I'm hoping this faze doesn't last long!

Ben is looking forward to going to Texas in March for work. They will be going to Texas A & M for some sort of training and will be gone for several days. We are both taking the Financial Peace University class that mom and dad took last year too. Mom and dad are actually our group facilitators. We have learned a lot and are excited to start saving and investing!

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