Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It has been a busy weekend full of Halloween activities. Saturday night the kids and I went trick-or-treating in Ben's brother's neighborhood. Our church held a Halloween party Sunday afternoon followed by more trick-or-treating in Miles. We only went a few blocks in Miles since they got a lot of candy the night before. After that, we went to mom and dad's house for dinner and they could see their costumes too.

Today the boys had their Halloween parties at school. They get to parade around the school and outside so they can show off their costumes. We went to the annual Mardi Gras parade tonight. There were some pretty cool floats and once again, the boys got a lot of candy!

Jasper was a scary phantom.

Mason was Thor, the God of Thunder.

Allegra was a sweet little cupcake.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Football season has finally come to an end for us. Jasper was able to play tackle football this year instead of flag football. Normally the tackle teams are for fifth and sixth graders, but they do allow some fourth graders to play. Jasper loved playing! He did quite well for it being his first year. He did get discouraged a few times because some of the kids we bigger than him. He just had to be reminded that he was playing against sixth graders.

Jasper played number 10 for the Chiefs. He would wear a red and yellow sock so we knew which one he was since they all look the same in their helmets.

Ben's favorite sport is football so he helped coach as much as he could.

We were lucky to have some pretty nice weather. The last few games he had were really cold. We only have a few weeks without practices or games until we start wrestling season!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fun City

Since Ben worked a lot this summer and we had a new baby, we didn't really get to take a family vacation. The boys didn't have school last Friday and Ben had the week off so we decided a few months ago we were going to take a mini vacation to Fun City in Burlington, Iowa. They have a waterpark, arcade, bowling and go carts!

We invited Ben's mom to go with us. She had been wanting to go to Fun City with the kids for a while and she helped take care of Allegra so we both could play with the boys. We left Thursday night after Jasper's football game and got there around nine. It only took two hours to get there. Friday morning we got up and were able to spend a lot of the day playing and swimming. Allegra loved the water!

We were able to go bowling twice. Ben won both games and I did terrible so I was last. Mason got second in both games! The boys used the gutters. With my score I should have too. Mason was so proud of himself!

Jasper thought he was hot stuff too.

We did go carts as well. The boys were too little to drive so Mason rode with me in an Iowa State car. We beat Ben and Jasper! He laughed the whole time.

We came back Saturday morning since Nancy had to go to work Saturday night. It was a nice quick trip and we had a lot of fun! We will definitely be going back again!