Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday!

Happy 5th Birthday Mason! I can't believe he is that old already! We had a small birthday party yesterday at Happy Joe's. Mason picked out white and chocolate cupcakes decorated with Shrek.

He is a fan of Iowa State and got some new apparel.

He is very excited to be 5! Only problem is, he thinks he can start going to Kindergarten now. He doesn't understand that he has to wait for a new school year! Happy birthday Mason! We love you!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Ben and I have been married for SIX years today! We won't be celebrating much as he has to work today. We are going to an Indianapolis Colts game after Thanksgiving by ourselves so that's considered our gift to each other. These six years have been great! We have such a wonderful family and are excited to be adding another one next May! Happy Anniversary Ben! I love you!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sick Day

It's been a long couple of days. I only had to work a half a day yesterday and while there, I started to get a headache. I didn't think too much of it as I sometimes get headaches. Only problem was, IT DIDN'T GO AWAY!! It almost felt like a sinus headache but it got even worse. We went out for dinner with the boys and the car ride home was terrible. I had to ride with the window down for fresh air. I went right to bed but didn't lay there long before going to get rid of my supper. I'm only able to take Tylenol, which obviously wasn't working for me. I fell asleep and woke back up about 2 am and STILL had the headache. I called into work for the day and thought about going to the ER but didn't. I finally got back to sleep and didn't wake up until about 6:30 am. I called the doctor to see if I could move my check up from this afternoon to this morning.  I told them I had a migraine I just couldn't get rid of. They told me to come right away! Praise the Lord! My doctor gave me some sort of headache medicine that would relieve some of the headache pressure. She also gave me some sinus medicine in case I started getting all stuffy. I came home, took the medicine and a little nap. I started feeling so much better! It's amazing what medicine can do for a person!

Other than my headache, my appointment went well. I heard the heartbeat again and everything sounded fine. Let's hope I don't have any more headaches!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Latest

I never said I was going to be good at posting often.  So I have been encouraged to write another post.
Flag football ended a few weeks ago so we have gotten our Sunday afternoons back. At least for a while until we start going to wrestling tournaments. Jasper really enjoyed playing and liked having Ben for a coach. Ben really enjoyed coaching and is anxious to sign Jasper up for tackle football next year. He is definitely ready to put on those pads and tackle! Right after Thanksgiving, we start wrestling. Mason will get to wrestle too. He needs to use all of his energy somewhere!! There is a new high school coach that both Ben and Dad know. He is a great coach and is very excited to get a lot of younger kids involved. It should be an exciting season!

We did do some trick or treating. Mason was a Ninja Turtle. Leonardo to be exact. Jasper was a Werewolf.

Mason didn't really like wearing the mask or his turtle shell while trick or treating so he ended up looking more like a frog. Apparently I didn't get a picture of Jasper and his scary mask. Maybe I can have him put it on sometime. A lot of people liked how scary it was.

This next week is my second doctor's appointment. I've been feeling pretty good. I don't seem to want to eat very much though. I can take a few bites and be full. I sometimes have to make myself eat. I never thought I would have to do that! The boys are still anxious and ask how big the baby is getting everyday.