Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Sunday we were joined by many family and friends to celebrate Allegra's baptism. Ben's brother Rod and his wife Tracie along with my brother Marcus are her Godparents. It was a great service. Jasper, Mason, and our nephews Levi and Owen were able to stand in front and watch as well. I think they were more interested in making silly faces in the basptismal bowl than watching.

After the service, we provided cake for fellowship so our church family could celebrate with us even more.

My sister Kathy and nephew Jay were able to make the trip from Ames. They were here for a few days so we got to spend a lot of time with them. Jay gets baptized at our church in September.

It was a beautiful day for such a beautiful little girl!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School

We have survived our first day of school! Jasper was excited to go back to school and see his friends again and Mason was excited to begin Kindergarten. I took a vacation day today and we dropped them off this morning at school for the early morning program. There were a few tears and the boys weren't the ones to shed them.

Mason said his day was "good" and Jasper's was "awesome!" They are anxious to go back tomorrow. Sounds like we are going to have a great year!