Sunday, July 31, 2011

Three Months

Allegra is now three months old! It seems like we were just coming home from the hospital. Allegra celebrated her day with Grandma Deana and Grandpa Jim while I was working and the boys were at another baseball tournament. Aunt Sara came for a visit too! After I got off of work, I went to pick her up and mom and dad's pool was warm enough for us to take her swimming for the first time!

She didn't cry at all! She took turns swimming with Sara, Grandma, and me. She loved it! She was so content just sitting in the water.

This wasn't her only first of the weekend. I got home from work today and Jasper told me Allegra can now roll from her tummy to her back! I can't believe how much she has changed in just three short months. I am excited to see her grow, but I wish it wouldn't happen so fast!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back to Work

I am into my second week of being back at work. My 12 week baby vacation, as I call it, flew by way too fast! I enjoyed my time off so much that I didn't really want to go back. I must say that summer is the perfect time to be on a 12 week leave! Allegra is such a good baby and it was fun to be home with her and the boys. Last week was an emotional week just trying to get into the routine of things again and I know it will get better with time.

Who could leave this adorable face?