Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

It has been a busy year for our family. I wouldn't say anything major has happend. Our big event won't be until May 2011! We have spent this past week with all of us on vacation from school or work. We have had a great time playing some of the games we got for Christmas and just being together. Ben and I did manage to get some of our computer room transformed. We are going to turn that into a toy room and the toy room will be the baby's room. Neither Ben and I will get much vacation time before the baby is born so we had to make sure we got quite a bit done while we were off. We have been very fortunate to be healthy this year and hope it continues for years to come. We look forward to this next year with some new adventures for us!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fa la la la la - la la la la

Mom, Dad, Mason and I attended Jasper's Holiday Program at school tonight. Ben had to work and was unable to go. This was the first time the concert has not been rescheduled in three years! They also divided the grades up so it wasn't so congested as in years past. Long story short, there are four classes to each grade in the school and they had two grades perform in one hour in previous years and you were to be gone from the parking lot by the quarter of the hour for the next program. It was a new school four years ago and the only thing that they could have done differently was made an actual parking lot that would fit the families of Eagle Heights. There were so many people last year, the school broke the fire codes with people in the gym and with the parking. Needless to say, this year was MUCH better!

Jasper claims he doesn't like music class. It must be a boy thing or it may not be cool to like music. He sings a lot at home and is actually a good singer. I haven't figured out the reason he doesn't like singing yet.

Grandma Deana told Mason the rules of concert etiquette and he did great! He was getting antsy towards the end but still did very well. I am very proud of both of my boys!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Go Colts!

Ben and I went to Indianapolis the weekend after Thanksgiving to go to our first ever Colts game! It was such an AWESOME experience! Yes, we will definitely be going again. Ben has been a Colts fan for a long time and wanted to go see them play before Peyton Manning retired. They lost to the San Diego Chargers, but it was still a great time.

We sat in the front row at the 20 yard line. Adam Vinatieri practiced his kicking right in front of us.

It was a Sunday night game so we got to see Al Michaels and Andrea Kramer make their way around the sidelines.

We stayed in the downtown and we were able to park at the hotel and walk everywhere we went. It was very helpful to not have to drive after the game with all the traffic. There was a mall that took us 10 minutes to walk to so we spent part of the day there. We had to go buy more Colts apparel. We ate lunch at Weber Grill. What an awesome place!

The stadium was amazing! Ben is already talking about going again next year!