Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Check-Up

Ben and I went to our first of many check-ups today. I am in my ninth week and and due anywhere between May 15th and 18th. We had a hard time hearing the heartbeat, but what we did hear seemed to be in the 170's. Our nurse practitioner said we could even bring the boys to an appointment or two so they get to hear the heartbeat too. I think we'll wait until it's a little bit bigger. Everything else seemed to be pretty good! We get to go back in four weeks!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

After thinking about it for a while, I have decided to start a blog like a few others in the family. I really enjoy the fact that it keeps everyone up-to-date on their families no matter where they are. I chose the title What's Next because we seem to ask ourselves, "What's next today?" Now that the boys are getting older, we have many activities to keep us going aside from the normal work and home schedules.

The big "what's next" question our family asks is, am I going to have a boy or girl? Yes, I am expecting our third baby in May. Yes, Kathy and I are BOTH expecting! They boys are really excited and are hoping it's a boy. Jasper is anxious to teach it all about sports. He is very interested about how the baby is growing. At this point it's the size of a grape. He's very concerned about my eating habits to make sure it is okay for the baby. I am to make sure I eat a lot of pizza so the baby likes to eat pizza too. I can already tell he is going to be very protective. Mason doesn't say too much about it yet. I think it maybe a little hard for him to understand some things. Once my tummy gets bigger, I think he'll be more exctied.

Stay tuned to see "what's next" with the Luckritz family!